在電影《He’s just not that into you》裏,經常於網上嘗試結識異性又屢次失敗的Mary這樣形容通訊科技帶來的煩惱:“I had this guy leave me a voicemail at work, so I called him at home, and then he emailed me to my BlackBerry, and so I texted to his cell, and now you just have to go around checking all these different portals just to get rejected by seven different technologies. It’s exhausting.”
我想倒過來這樣形容被宣傳轟炸的煩擾:I’m just not that into your promotional offers. I have to go around checking all these different portals just to reject seventeen useless offers a day. It’s exhausting!
例一. 令人毫無頭緒的電郵
Dear alextsang.197208
We have upgraded our interface to provide additional services:
- access to a wide range of entries;
- EBSCOhost search and full text support;
- facet technology to help modify the search query;
- Refworks for directly exporting records to it; and
- tagging support, etc.
Mary Smith Ltd.
從內容可估計該公司提供search及record的功能,但是其他用字不是過於空泛(wide range of entries, records, tagging),就是過於專業卻欠闡釋 (EBSCOhost, facet technology, Refworks),賴得理你是否看得明白,令人一頭霧水。我嘗試搜尋及了解EBSCOhost和Refworks,認為可這樣交代,使收件者明白其好處:
- EBSCOhost search, which allows you to search multiple databases of full-text articles in every subject area from leading information providers;
- Refworks, an online bibliographic management programme which allows you to create personal database of references and generate bibliographies in your desired formats;
例二. 誠實得駭人的電郵
Profile of 2011 Graduates
Number of graduates xxx
Job engagement 58.3%
Further studies 32.6%
Seeking employment 7.7%
Others (emigration, going back to China, not seeking employment, disappear, in prison, in drug rehabilitation centre, seeking counselling) 1.4%
共有90.9%畢業生成功就業或繼續升學,數據正面。仍有少量畢業生在找尋工作亦屬正常。可是,失蹤、入獄、戒毒、尋求輔導,卻令人驚訝止步。報告自當真確無誤,但試想想,學生應該不是因為修畢課程而失蹤、入獄、戒毒、尋求輔導吧﹖建議因應目標學生選材,這裏寫Others 1.4% 已足夠。
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