出身國際電視媒體,精通五種語言。前半生在多家跨國公司擔任要職,從事銷售、管理、翻譯卅載,在中港兩地有近20年寶貴的實幹業務經驗。後半生創辦智邦環球有限公司,深信人的潛力無限,助人運用正面心態,提高演示、管理、銷售、教練能力,增長業績,留住人才,支持他們摘下事業與人生的金牌。Leadership Coaching
Peter is having lunch with his friend Frank. Frank complained about the work performance of his new hire.
"We hired him a month ago because he was from a famous school and his grades were good. But his work is so sloppy! If I weren’t short of manpower, I would have fired him!"
"Do you think he joined your company to be sloppy?"
"No, I wouldn’t think so."
"If you were him, what would you want?"
"To perform well."
"What can you do to make a new hire perform well?"
"What can I do?" Well, I suppose I can get 2 people to each train him for an hour each day. After all, he’s only just left school. Although we are all very busy, he won’t improve if we don’t invest time and effort on him.
"What else can you do?"
"Knowing it is one thing, doing it is another thing. Just like my Taiji lessons. Master demonstrated a few times and talked us through a few times. I saw and I heard, and even copied what I thought of the moves, and it took quite a while to understand and learn. Let alone master it!!! Training is important, and I think we still need a period of time to observe and adjust."
"What else?"
"This period is tricky because he is bound to make quite a fair bit of mistakes. But if we can hang in there and pull it though, it will work for everybody."
"How can you ensure that happens?"
"When we observe something that has worked well, we can give him more verbal compliments. The positive feedback would empower and motivate him. As for the things that do not work out so well, we’ll need to be clear and specific about what we want him to do. We can even do a demonstration to show him, and then we can ask him to repeat it so that we can check if he’s on track."
"If you were to do all that, what would happen?"
"Well, at least he would know exactly what we expected of him. Leaning new things would improve his capability, increase his confidence. And with his contribution, it would also ease our workload, and reduce our stress!!!"
"That sounds wonderful! Give it a shot and see what happens. Update me the next time we meet!"
The coach needs to ensure the goal is positive, proactive and controllable. And the actions be initiated and executed by the client.
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