【Webinar懶人包】疫下網上研討會大流行!3 Steps、例句幫你順利發表演說!
Zephyr Yeung
Zephyr Yeung
不知不覺間,疫情已纏擾大家足足一整年了。疫情持續肆虐,為了「疫」境求存,不少公司都會利用科技進行經濟活動,以迎合「無接觸經濟」。「無接觸經濟」在疫情間接推動下急速發展並漸成常態,不少打工仔們的工作模式亦隨之改變。在閱讀這篇文章的你,是否也因應公司安排而經常需要進行con-call (Conference Call;視訊會議)?你又習慣了用Zoom、Microsoft Teams、Google Classroom等平台了嗎?
(credit: https://stock.adobe.com/)
在疫情不斷重擊經濟的環境下,為了化危為機,很多機構都會定期舉辦webinar(Webinar 是由「Web」和「Seminar」兩字組合而成的詞語,指「線上研討會」),進行產品發布、座談會、公司業績會等。一般而言,主辦方除了會在webinar中發表演說外,同時亦會積極回應觀眾的即時提問,以提升online seminar的互動性。
Step 1:網上演講開場白
(credit: https://stock.adobe.com/)
1. Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. Thanks for coming. On behalf of [公司名稱], I’d like to welcome you all to our first online seminar.
大家早/下午/晚上好。 感謝你的到來。 我謹代表XXX公司歡迎大家參加我們的首次線上研討會。
2. Hello everyone, I’m [名字], the speaker of this online seminar. I’m delighted to be here with you on Zoom today.
大家好,我是這個線上研討會的演講者XXX。 今天很高興與你在Zoom見面。
3. Hi everyone, thanks for joining this online seminar. I think we might still be missing a few people but I’m going to kick things off now so we have time to get through everything.
大家好,謝謝參加這個線上研討會。 雖然有些人可能還未加入會議,但是爲了在限時内涵蓋所有内容,我們差不多要開始了。
4. Hello and thank you all for coming. I appreciate you being here with us in our first webinar.
Step 2:簡單介紹自己
1. Let me start by saying a few words about my own background. I am [職位] at [公司名稱], and I have been with the company for over (e.g. five) years.
首先,讓我談談自己的背景吧。 我是XXX公司名的XXX,我已經在這公司工作超過五年了。
Step 3:介紹演講的主題和目的
(credit: https://stock.adobe.com/)
1. As you can see on the screen, our topic today is演講主題.
2. This seminar is particularly relevant to those of you who....... .
3. As you all know, I am going to be talking to you about 演講主題.
4. This webinar is designed to act as a springboard for discussion.
5. For the next 60 minutes, I am going to be speaking to you about 演講主題.
6. As you know, the reason why you are here today is to …... (e.g. learn how to maintain profitability盈利能力 under this challenging and uncertain economic environment).
7. The objective目的 of this webinar is to …… (e.g. convince you that people who work at home are more productive than people who work in offices).
8. By the end of this webinar, you'll have gained a better understanding of …… (e.g. our company’s staff training programs).
假如你在線上研討會結束後會把相關資料(如:Power points slides)發送給出席者,你可以說:
● Don’t worry about taking notes. I’ll send you the PowerPoint slides after the seminar.
不必擔心做筆記這個問題。 研討會結束後,我將向你發送PowerPoint幻燈片。
今次講住咁多先。覺得意猶未盡?下一期筆者將分享更多針對online seminar的演說技巧, 助你一步一步成為「小小演說家」,敬請期待。
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