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09639 榮利營造
Listing Date2024/10/09
Listing Price0.730
  • 0.435 0.000 (0.000%)    Sink Below Listing Price
  • 15-min delayed, last update: 13/03/2025 17:59
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    16 lot
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Wing Lee Development Construction Holdings Limited is an established contractor in Hong Kong engaged in civil and electrical cable engineering and solar PV system works.


The Group’s civil engineering works specialises in site formation works and road and drainage works, and its electrical cable engineering works specialises in cable trenching, laying and jointing works. For solar PV system works, it specialises in design, installation and maintenance works of solar PV systems. To a lesser extent, it leased machinery and traded construction materials to contractors and subcontractors on an ad hoc basis in a limited number of projects in which it participated in.


As estimated by Frost & Sullivan, the aggregate market share of top three market participants in civil engineering industry in Hong Kong in 2023 was approximately 22.4%. The Group’s revenue accounting for a market share of approximately 0.6% in the overall civil engineering industry in Hong Kong in 2023. According to the Industry Report, the Group is the largest power cabling & civil pipeline installation subcontractor in Hong Kong in 2023 with the market share of 13.6% based on revenue for FY2023/24.


The Group’s customers mainly included the CLP Group and its main contractors, construction contractors in Hong Kong, joint ventures formed by PRC state-owned enterprises through their subsidiaries, and various Government departments.

MarketHong Kong (Main Board)
Business NatureConstruction
Major Business AreaHong Kong
Board Lot5000
No. of Offer Shares250.00M shares
No. of Placing Shares125.00M shares
No. of Public Offer Shares125.00M shares
Offer Price$0.57 - $0.73
Stock Code9639
Sponsor(s)Alliance Capital Partners Limited
Underwriter(s)Alliance Capital Partners Limited, ABCI Securities Company Limited, China Galaxy International Securities (Hong Kong) Co., Limited, China Industrial Securities International Capital Limited, Cinda International Capital Limited, CMBC Securities Company Limited, Futu Securities International (Hong Kong) Limited, Gaoyu Securities Limited, Haitong International Securities Company Limited, Livermore Holdings Limited, Phillip Securities (Hong Kong) Limited, ZMF Asset Management Limited
Application PeriodSep 27 (Fri) - noon, Oct 04 (Fri)
Price Determination DateOct 07 (Mon)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Oct 08 (Tue)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Oct 08 (Tue)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Oct 09 (Wed)
Dealings in Shares commence onOct 09, 2024. (Wed)
Reallocation of Shares Offered
Times of HK Offer Shares Subscription15X - 50X50X - 100XOver 100X
% of total shares reallocated to HK Offer30%40%50%
Sales Statistics (HKD)
Offer Price$0.57 - $0.73
Capitalization570.00M - 730.00M
NAV / share ($)$0.27 - $0.31 (Unaudited pro forma adj NAV / share)
Use Of Proceeds
Assuming the offer price being at HKD 0.65, the net proceeds raised would be HKD 130.50M, of which
45% : Acquiring additional electric machinery and equipment
35% : Paying upfront costs for new projects
5% : Recruiting new staff members
5% : Procuring Smart Site Safety System (4S) and an enterprise resources planning system
10% : Working capital
Related Document
Remark: The above information is referenced from the prospectus.
  All data is calculated from the non- exercise rights(if applicable).
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*Admission fees include brokerage of 1%, SFC transaction levy of 0.0027%, Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005% and FRC transaction levy of 0.00015% (i.e. 1.0077% in total).
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