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1. 油價,特別是油站汽油價;
2. 屋租;
3. 就業和工資。
3月美通脹爆升,還有個更深層意義,因為這個通脹是月比、年比都升(圖二),是出乎市場預料。為甚麼這次超出預料是重要?彭博的經濟師Anna Wong有這評語:
「March is a month where the CPI enters a seasonal window that's favorable for disinflation. The fact that core CPI remained the same in March as February-even if it maps to about 0.3% in core PCE inflation terms - is not a good development. This report more than February's is likely to feed Fed concern that progress on disinflation is stalling-even though the core print for the two months was the same。」
彭博的息率策略家Ira Jersey則謂:
「The 3-month annualized core CPI climbing to 4.5% is going to keep early Fed-cut calls muted coming up. 50 bps of cuts in 2024 currently being priced may not occur until later in the year. The yield curve flattening isn't surprising as we continue to price out early and deep cuts。」
「The timing of 2024 rate-cut expectations are front of mind for market participants with linear markets pricing just below even odds of a first cut in July. Still the stickiness of 'supercore' inflation now north of 8% on a 3-month annualized basis may continue to put upward pressure on expectations of the Fed's terminal floor。」
「A retest of 4.51% is nearly assured with the higher-than-expected CPI. If that doesn't hold 4.7% is the next stopping spot for the 10-year yield。」
《說說心理話》遺體修復師分享入行過程!初入行有冇心理壓力?「無言老師」計劃推行初衷?► 即睇