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商業英語 │ 社交媒體網絡營銷秘訣:教你用英文撰寫Instagram推廣文案,必學20個實用表達方法! 1

  在這個數碼時代,網絡購物已成為潮流,愈來愈多的企業選擇在社交媒體平台上(例如:Instagram)推廣他們的產品和服務。要在眾多競爭者中脫穎而出,撰寫吸引人的促銷文案至關重要。本篇文章將介紹如何在社交媒體平台上撰寫有效的推廣文案,並提供20個撰寫推廣文案必學的useful expressions,讓你的產品成為焦點,吸引更多潛在客戶。


(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )


Part 1 - 撰寫推廣文案必學的20個useful expressions:

1. Check this out! - 快來看看!

2. Don't miss out! - 別錯過!

3. Limited time offer! - 限時優惠!

4. Grab yours now! - 現在就搶購!

5. Hot deal! - 熱門優惠!

6. Special discount! - 特別折扣!

7. Exclusive offer! - 獨家優惠!

8. Shop now! - 現在購買!

9. New arrival! - 新品到貨!

10. Best seller! - 暢銷商品!


(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )


11. Flash sale! - 閃購!

12. Get it before it's gone! - 趁沒賣完前趕快買!

13. Save big! - 大幅省錢!

14. Unbeatable price! - 無敵優惠的價格!

15. Just for you! - 專屬優惠!

16. Hurry up! - 趕快!

17. Limited stock! - 庫存有限!

18. Must-have! - 必備品!

19. On sale now! - 現在特價!

20. Treat yourself! - 犒賞自己!


Part 2 - 推廣文案範例:


(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )


1. "Don't miss out on our limited-time offer! Grab your favorites now and enjoy exclusive discounts. Shop today and save big!  #Sale #LimitedTime #ShopNow

唔好錯過我哋嘅限時優惠!即刻搶購你最鍾意嘅商品,享受獨家折扣。今日買嘢,大幅慳錢! #促銷 #限時優惠 #即刻買


2. "New arrivals just dropped! Be the first to get your hands on the latest trends. Hurry, these won't last long!  #NewArrivals #Fashion #MustHave"

新品啱啱上架!做第一個最潮流嘅人。庫存有限,快啲搶購! #新品到貨 #時尚 #必備品


3. "Flash Sale Alert! For the next 24 hours, enjoy unbeatable prices on our best-selling items. Treat yourself and shop now!  #FlashSale #Deals #ShopSmart"

閃購提醒!未來24小時內,享受我哋暢銷商品無敵優惠的價格。犒賞自己,依家買嘢! #閃購 #優惠 #精明購物


4. "Special discount just for you! Use code SAVE20 at checkout and get 20% off your entire order. Don't wait, shop now!  #Discount #PromoCode #ShopNow"

專屬折扣俾你!結帳時用優惠碼SAVE20,享受全單八折優惠。唔好等,依家買嘢! #折扣 #優惠代碼 #即刻買


5. "Brighten up your day with our colorful new collection! Perfect for adding a pop of color to your wardrobe. Shop now and stand out!  #NewCollection #Fashion #Colorful"

用我哋色彩繽紛嘅新系列令你嘅每一天更亮麗!為你嘅衣櫥增添一抹亮色。依家來買嘢,成爲人群中最突出的一位啦!#新系列 #時尚 #色彩繽紛


(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )


6. "Ready to upgrade your style? Check out our latest arrivals and find your new favorite pieces. Shop now and elevate your look!  #StyleUpgrade #NewArrivals #Fashion"

準備好升級你嘅風格未?睇吓我哋嘅最新到貨,搵到你嘅新寵。依家來買嘢,提升你嘅造型! #風格升級 #新品到貨 #時尚


7. "Treat yourself or someone special with our exclusive gift sets! Perfect for any occasion. Shop now and make someone's day! #GiftSets #SpecialOccasion #ShopNow"

用我哋嘅獨家禮品套裝犒賞自己或者特別嘅人!適合任何場合。依家買嘢,令某人嘅一天更美好! #禮品套裝 #特別場合 #即刻買


8. "Hot deal alert! Get up to 50% off on selected items. Limited stock available, so hurry and grab yours now!  #HotDeal #Sale #LimitedStock"

熱門優惠提醒!選定商品最高五折。庫存有限,快啲搶購! #熱門優惠 #促銷 #庫存有限


9. "Customer favorite restocked! Our best-selling item is back in stock. Don't miss your chance to get it before it's gone again!  #Restocked #BestSeller #ShopNow"

你的最愛補貨啦!我哋嘅暢銷商品重新上架。唔好錯過再次售罄前嘅機會! #補貨 #暢銷商品 #即刻買





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#社交媒體 #推廣文案 #學英文 #職場英語 #英語教學 #營銷技巧 #Instagram #商業英語 #職場 #技能增值