日常生活英文 | 別再講Oh, I see!「原來如此」、「我現在明白了」英文點講?4個簡單表達方法+實用場景例子
在工作崗位上,我們每天都需要和不同的人交流,對內的對象可能是上司、同事,對外的對象可能是客戶、合作夥伴,不論對象是誰,當對方道出一番說話後,我們理應禮貌地作出適當的回應,這樣「有來有往」,才可維持一段流暢的對話。用中文和他人對話時,我們經常以一句「原來如此!」作為回應,那麼當我們用英文和對方交談時,如果想要說「原來如此!」的話又該怎麼表達呢?除了 “Oh, I see.” 之外你還會其他表達方式嗎?在整個對話過程中,如果你只會「獨沽一味」以“Oh, I see.” 回應他人的話,就算你不覺得難堪,對方也難免會感到尷尬吧?那麼,在英文表達當中,「原來如此!」還有哪些說法呢?本周,筆者就為大家準備了四大例子供大家參考,方便大家記錄下來「旁身」,於日後和別人交談時可派上用場。
( credit: https://stock.adobe.com )
1. “(Now)I get it!”
假如你想表示本來的困惑已經得以解決了,就可以說“(Now)I get it!”。
● A:Could you please explain that again?What’s this proposal about?
● B:Well, our company plans to introduce innovative, eye-catching lines of clothing much more frequently to increase our sales. This is what we plan to design for the new season's products.
● A: Oh okay, now I get it!
2. “Ah, so that’s why!”
( credit: https://stock.adobe.com )
● A:Wow! The company’s recent advertisements are very creative and very fascinating. Has the company changed the partner advertising team recently?
● B: Yes, our boss recently contacted the top advertising agency in Hong Kong to help design the advertisement.
● A: Ah, so that’s why!
3. “No wonder!”
( credit: https://stock.adobe.com )
No wonder 的意思是「怪唔之得(難怪)」,這句說話亦可用來表達「原來如此」的意思。
● A:You look so tired today. Didn't you sleep last night?
● B: I just worked a 20-hour shift.
● A: No wonder!
4. “That makes sense.”
● A: Hasn't this product just hit the shelves(上架)? Why is the price suddenly reduced?
● B:This is our promotional pricing strategy. The aim of it is to generate some quick demand and spur (激發)consumer interest.
● A:That makes sense.
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