Part 3: 討論「創業」模擬情境
情境: A與B在討論他們的創業
A: I'm so *stoked! I can't believe I'm finally going to be my own boss!
*stoked (adj. ) 非常興奮的
B: You mean we're going to be our own bosses. It's definitely exciting, but I'm not sure it's going to be easy.
A: You're right. It's going to take some *elbow grease苦幹;體力勞動 but opening up our own café beats being part of *the rat race, doesn't it?
*the rat race這個説法讓人想起實驗室中的老鼠為了找到芝士而在迷宮裡亂竄的情形,就好像是人追求名利財富一般,故the rat race就用來指在現代社會中,要求有工作的人要非常賣力工作,並且和別人競爭以換取權利,金錢,地位等等。
B: We'll see about that. Let's talk about some details first —take a look at this business plan I put together
A: Nice. You've compiled a lot of info here. Looks like starting a business might not be as *straightforward as I thought.
不錯。 你集結了好多資訊。 看起來創業可能並不像我想像的那麼簡單呀。
*straightforward (adj.) 振奮的
《說說心理話》身體唔舒服查唔到原因?周身痠痛疲累?可能係患有心身症!點解原生家庭會長時間影響一個人?點樣脫離循環?► 即睇
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